Quantum Computer


Our quantum computer system that executes your quantum circuits via cloud access

Based on the versatile ion-trap platform, IBEX Q1 executes circuits via Cloud access for your convenience, at high quality and reliability.


fully connected qubits

128 = 27

Quantum Volume

(99,97 +/- 0,01)%

single-qubit gate fidelity over entire qubit-register

(98,7 +/- 0,3)%

two-qubit gate fidelity over all pairs of the register


Shape the future of computing with IBEX Q1, lead the way.

Our cloud-accessible quantum computer is installed in two standard 19-inch racks and operates from our headquarter in Innsbruck, Austria.

The standardized interface allows you to readily execute your quantum applications over ARNICA cloud without any detailed knowledge of the underlying hardware.

IBEX Q1 automatically calibrates all gate-relevant system parameters on a regular basis to persistently ensure high-quality quantum gates for your computation. The remaining error rates are well known and stable, such that the performance of a particular use-case is predictable using Markovian error models.

IBEX Q1 configuration and benchmarks

IBEX Q1 accepts quantum circuits with up to 1000 gates and 12 qubits and executes >20.000 quantum circuits per hour (depending on the circuit depth). The system features a Quantum Volume of 128.

Two-qubit gate errors
Two-qubit gate errors

Performing 2-qubit randomized benchmarking measurements over all pairs of the 12-qubit register, we find an average two-qubit error rate of (1,3 +/- 0,3)%, with a minimal error of 0,9% and a maximal error of 1,8%.

Single-qubit gate errors and crosstalk

Performing 1-qubit randomized benchmarking measurements for each qubit of the 12-qubit register, we find an average error rate of (3,4 +/- 1,0) E-4. Furthermore, the crosstalk to the nearest neighbor lies at (1,0 +/- 0,4)% on average.

Single-qubit gate errors and crosstalk
IBEX Q1 features a Quantum Volume of 128
IBEX Q1 features a Quantum Volume of 128

The Quantum Volume Test is an internationally applied benchmark that assesses and describes the computational power of a quantum computer with a single number. The number is sensitive to the size of the quantum register, the quality of the control, and the versatility of controlling quantum information in different locations of the quantum memory.

IBEX Q1 has already been used by many customers to investigate quantum benefits in the fields of chemistry, portfolio optimisation, risk analysis, quantum security, decryption and many others. Should you have some particular use-case in mind, please contact us! Our fully connected 12-qubit register allows you to push your ideas to a next level, without thought to connectivity, measurement errors or reliability.

Qubit register size 12 fully connected qubits
Avg. single-qubit errors (3,4 +/- 1,0)E-4
Avg. two-qubit errors (1,3 +/- 0,3)E-2
NN Crosstalk < 1,8E-2
Quantum volume 128
Max. gate count per circuit 2000
Duty cycle >20000 circuits per hour (depending on circuit depth)
Basis gate set RZ, R, RXX
Power consumption < 2 kilowatt (kW) via single power plug

Operates in room temperature

  • (22.0 +/- 1.5) °C
  • < 60% rel. Humidity
Number of 19-inch racks 2
Footprint 2 square meters (SQM)

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Further references
Product overview

Quantum computers, quantum devices and cloud access


We will enable populations to work on global challenges

Turn-Key Quantum

Innsbruck, Austria – The home of ion trap quantum computing