AQT is Falling Walls finalist
October 2020: AQT competes in the Falling Walls Science Breakthroughs of the Year
October 2020: AQT competes in the Falling Walls Science Breakthroughs of the Year
October 2020: AQT adds office space for development and production
Technologie-Pionier: AQT vom Weltwirtschaftsforum ausgezeichnet
Das Weltwirtschaftsforum hat seine Auswahl von über 100 der vielversprechendsten Technologie-Pioniere des Jahres 2020 bekannt gegeben, die Industrien von der Landwirtschaft bis zur Gesundheitsfürsorge prägen und gleichzeitig an Nachhaltigkeitsthemen und vielem mehr arbeiten. Viele Technologie-Pioniere setzen ihre Technologien auch ein, um bei der weltweiten Suche nach Lösungen für COVID-19 zu helfen. […]
Technology Pioneer: AQT Awarded by World Economic Forum The World Economic Forum announced its selection of over 100 of the most promising Technology Pioneers of 2020, who are shaping industries from agriculture to healthcare while also working on sustainability issues and much more. Many Technology Pioneers are also using their tech to support COVID-19 responses around […]
June 2020: The AQT quantum computers are now supported by PennyLane, an open-source project by Xanadu for quantum machine learning, automatic differentiation, and optimization.
June 2020: World Economic Forum considers AQT poised to have a significant impact on business and society
May 2020: 25 years ago the seminal Cirac-Zoller paper that laid the foundation for a trapped-ion quantum computer appeared in PRL.
April 2020: The AQT quantum computer is now supported by t|ket⟩, the quantum software development kit of Cambridge Quantum Computing (CQC), via pytket.
April 2020: Quantum hardware start-up AQT and quantum software start-up HQS and join their forces.
January 2020: AQT co-founder Rainer Blatt receives honorary doctorate from the Complutense University of Madrid.