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About Carina

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So far Carina has created 76 blog entries.

Supercomputer and quantum computer in harmony

Supercomputer and quantum computer in harmony

Commercial quantum computer integrated into HPC environment for the first time in Austria

Working together, the University of Innsbruck and the spin-off AQT have integrated a quantum computer into a high-performance computing (HPC) environment for the first time in Austria. This hybrid infrastructure of supercomputer and quantum computer can now be […]


Honorary medal for AQT Co-Founder Peter Zoller

Quantum physicist Peter Zoller received the Tyrolean Decoration of Honor at the Hofburg in Innsbruck. 13 personalities were honored for their outstanding achievements. The award was presented by Tyrolean Governor Anton Mattle and his South Tyrolean counterpart Arno Kompatscher.


We are excited to return to ISC 2024 in Hamburg!

AQT joins as an exhibitor at ISC High Performance 2024 – the event for high performance computing, machine learning, data analytics and quantum computing in Hamburg.

ISC High Performance 2024 May 12 – 15
Congress Center Hamburg, Germany
Stand E01


T-Systems begins cooperation with market leader AQT

T-Systems begins cooperation with market leader AQT T-Systems Quantum Cloud customers can now access AQT’s ion trap-based quantum computers, renowned for their high-quality calculations. This collaboration enhances Europe’s leadership in quantum technology. Integration tests have been successful, and customers can immediately use the solution with support from T-Systems. Customers can develop quantum use cases on AQT’s quantum […]


Quantencomputing: T-Systems beginnt Kooperation mit Marktführer AQT

Quantencomputing: T-Systems beginnt Kooperation mit Marktführer AQT T-Systems-Kunden erhalten Zugang zu Quantencomputern vom europäischen Marktführer AQT Partnerschaft unterstützt Europas Souveränität im Bereich Quantencomputing

Ab sofort können Kunden der T-Systems Quantum Cloud auf Quantencomputer von AQT zugreifen. Das Unternehmen aus Innsbruck ist europäischer Marktführer im Bau von ionenfallen-basierten Quantencomputern. Ionenfallen-basierte Quantencomputer zeichnen sich […]

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